Where Is the Most Luxurious Food?

Where Is the Most Luxurious Food?

  • Claudine Montano
  • 04/1/22
I am well aware of what it takes to be a realtor in the world of luxury, since I am the penthouse queen. So, I know what it takes. And, I do it well. As a luxury seller, I must understand luxury, right? 

Today we are going to talk about food – yum! Want to know where you can spend a lot of money? Keep reading. Rather than just penthouses in the city or the coolest icon, we will consider world-wide luxury foods, which are going to cost you a pretty good penny.  

Ready? Let’s get onto it! 

#1 Norma’s at Le Parker Meridien, New York, New York

  • It may sound overzealous, but the Zillion Dollar Lobster Frittata at Norma’s at La Parker Meridien in New York costs a cool $1,000 for a super-sized portion. You’re not paying for eggs here — you’re paying for 10 ounces of Sevruga Caviar and a roasted Maine lobster tail nestled in six eggs of extravagance.

#2 Kopi Luwak Coffee

  • On the small island of Sumatra in Indonesia, you’ll find the most expensive coffee in the world. It takes a long time for the coffee to become a cup of high-end coffee. Sumatra is home to small cats called luwaks that eat ripe coffee cherries, including the beans. Kopi Luwak coffee is made with the beans that pass through the digestive tract of an animal and end up back on the forest floor where workers collect and clean them to create the coffee aficionado’s favorite.

#3 Aragawa, Tokyo, Japan

  • Even though Kobe beef has become more widely available due in part to the gourmet Kobe burgers, its price remains around $800 per pound.
  • It’s a perfect meal, but the cost — likely in the range of $550 per person — might raise some red flags on an expense report. 

# 4 Skyview Bar, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

  • It might be a big bar tab at the Burj Al Arab’s Skyview Bar if your fellow tipplers are sipping the pricey Macallan 55-year-old Single Malt Whisky. Just a dash of this limited malt whiskey will cost you nearly $4,000 for just a taste. 

By seeing the delicacies of very big nations, we can imagine what it must be like to eat them.you want to make your way on over and taste them for yourself.

Let me know what your #1 choice is! 

If you’re currently looking in the luxury market, whether for a luxury home, or penthouse, drop me a message and let’s chat! The sky’s the limit and I want you to reach it. Contact me, the Penthouse Queen for all information.

Work With Claudine

With more than a decade of experience, Claudine Montano possesses a strong business acumen of Toronto’s constantly evolving real estate market.

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