Luxury bags that combine ease, subtlety and quality craftsmanship. These bags are completely anonymous, despite a lack of prominent logos. They have their own kind of quality in the form of signature clasps and silhouettes that only astute fashion observers would recognize.
Savette is one of the only brands to successfully break into the luxury bag market across Net-a-Porter. The label joins the leagues of investment brands including Hermès, Khaite, Celine, and Prada that are as quiet as they are cool.
Here are the bags to look into:
- Savette Symmetry Bag
Savette is one of the breakout brands from the last several years. The brand is known for its logoless bags that are finished with its signature metal hardware.
Hermès bags are famous for their mysterious buying practices. Kelly bags, in particular, are a style that are practically free of branding.
- Celine Triomphe Bag
Celine bags are designed to retain clean and sleek lines, making them a seasonless, functional, and beautiful piece. The metal clasp on Celine's Triomphe bags take inspiration from the metal chain surrounding the Arc de Triomphé in Paris.
- Prada 1995 Re-Issue Bag
The Prada 1995 Re-Issue bag was famously carried by Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy. Miuccia Prada and Raf Simons brought it back by the co-designers. The timeless bag is one of the key investment buys to own in luxury goods.
- Bottega Veneta Arco Bag
Bottega Veneta has reached a new level of excitement under Matthieu Blazy's leadership, and the company has distilled some of its archival design features (like woven leather) into some genuinely seasonless bags, such as the Arco tote.
- Saint Laurent Manhattan Bag
Like the city it's named for, Saint Laurent's Manhattan bag is sophisticated, elegant, and timeless.
What is your go-to 'silent bag'?
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